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I'm Chrystal Rae
“Love makes all things possible, even the impossible.”

Welcome! It is such a joy to reconnect with you in this wonderful and sometimes challenging, life. Though it may appear that we have only just met, our paths converging suddenly, they resonate with the echoes of many lives, reflecting a journey where our souls have been intricately intertwined through the ages.

If my memory of our connection seems clearer, and because you may not remember me as I remember you, please allow me to give you a small glimpse into my personal journey and why I wrote these Love Letters for you.

In this life, rooted in the dynamic city of Dallas, Texas, I wear the hats of a yogi, artist, and poet. As the co-owner of three yoga studios and two teacher training schools, I find fulfillment in creating spaces that are more than just physical locations. They are sacred communities for sharing and exploring the ancient art of yoga, nurturing body, mind, and spirit.

Artistically, I express myself through abstract paintings, vibrant reflections of my inner landscape. My art adorns corporate spaces and adds color and vitality to my home, a haven I share with my wonderful husband. Our lives, his in the music industry and mine in the realm of yoga, blend harmoniously, celebrating our love and the richness of our diverse paths.

As an author and poet, writing is my avenue for profound creative expression. This realm, a blend of succinct phrases and rich prose, offers me another avenue for creative exploration. Indeed, my life, like my writing, balances poetic imagination with pragmatic insight.

Among all my endeavors, the most important mission of my soul is to reconnect with you and renew our sacred bond of love. The unexpected convergence of our paths, not predetermined but divinely inspired, is a testament to our enduring love.

I am honored and excited to find you again in this most pivotal life of great opportunity and transformation. Thank you for being you, for allowing me to share my love and wisdom, and for joining me on this exciting adventure through the physical realm, forging a radiant path back to love at the center of it all.

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With love and gratitude,
~ Chrystal Rae
Footsteps Through Time

Year 2001

Founded Chrystal Rae Contemporary Art

Art serves as a vital punctuation in my life, a vessel for my soul’s expression on

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Year 2005

The University of Texas, Dallas, Graduated Magna Cum Laude

Graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with Magna Cum Laude honors, 

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Year 2005

Poet of the Year, The International Society of Poets

Awarded Poet of the Year by The International Society of Poets,

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Year 2005

Founded Gaia Flow Yoga

Following a life-altering accident, I found solace in the healing embrace 

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Year 2022

Founded Satya Publishing

Satya Publishing specializes in the production and distribution of love-based and spiritual

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Year 2022

Wrote First Book- “Love Letters to Your Soul”

“Love Letters to Your Soul” is a deeply personal collection, rich in spiritual insights and truths, 

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